Quick review/comparison of Innr Smart Plug and the new Philips Hue Smart Plug. First impression:
Side-by-side physical comparison
Innr’s plug is considerably smaller, and the Hue plug actually feels clumpsy next to it:
It’s bigger in all dimensions.
Now, let’s compare functionality. Both plugs have a two-color LED showing whether it’s on or off, and both also have a physical button to turn it on or off. Both plugs are easy to integrate with a Philips Hue bridge and offers the same functionality. The Philips Hue plug also supports Bluetooth.
IKEA Trådfri
Let’s quickly throw in an IKEA Trådfri wireless control outlet before we compare power consumption. I collegue of mine brought one:
IKEA Trådfri
It’s even bigger than the Hue version, and also without any physical button. However, at only half the price of the Hue/Innr plugs, it’s definitely worth considering where size and the physical button doesn’t matter.
Power consumption
Philips Hue: 0.1 W when off, 0.8 W when on. (0,003/0,019 kWh in 24 hours)
Innr: 0.3 W when off, 0.7 W when on. (0,010/0,017 kWh in 24 hours)
IKEA: 0.1 W when off, 0.8 W when on. (0,002/0,019 kWh in 24 hours)
The winner is… Innr Smart Plug when physical size matters. Hue uses 0.1 W more than Innr when on, but 0.2 W less when off, so if turned off most of the time, it might be a better choice. The Hue plug also has Bluetooth, so it can be used without a ZigBee bridge.
I recently purchased a new LG OLED65C8 TV and with it a SanDisk Extreme Pro USB 3.1 SSD drive with a write-speed up to 380 MB/s, after reading these recommendations. I wanted to use this for recordings and time shift (Live Playback). Unfortunately it doesn’t work with time shift – only recording. I sent a request to customer service about this, and conclusion is:
LG recommends HDD’s instead of flash drives. Old-fashioned big noisy hard drives which are hard to fit on the back of the TV.
LG cannot recommend any devices – no compatibility lists exists. So customers will just have to buy one device at a time until finding one that works. That’s a very costly solution in my opinion.
Now I’m just waiting for burn-in to complete my LG customer experience…
Update: I got a second response from customer service, and unfortunately – as I suspected:
Live Playback only works with magnetic disks, not any kind of flash device.
This will not be solved/changed with a firmware upgrade.
I bought a new refrigerator, model K 34673 iD, which I wanted to add to my Miele@home system. It was marked as “Prepared” for Miele@home, which I assumed meant that it was simply a matter of adding an XKS module to it. I already bought an XKS 3000 Z (ZigBee) module two years ago at the same time as I placed an order for the previous model, K 34473 iD. That order was unfortunately cancelled, so I ended up with the XKS 3000 Z module and a retrofit kit, XKV 3000 KF.
The new model was prepared for the XKS 3130 W (Wi-Fi) module, but as this is an upgrade that should be backwards compatible, I had hope that XKS 3000 Z would also be forwards compatible. Back to that later. Both modules look exactly like this:
The first problem was that I could not find anywhere to connect the XKS 3000 Z module on the back of the refrigerator as documented. I eventually gave up and desperately created a support ticket at Miele Denmark. A technical employee called me back pretty quickly and instructed me how to perform the operation. This is where the retrofit came into the picture. I was told that I needed a special cable, and that he would send it to me. This is the cable I already got:
The cables look pretty identical, but I’m not sure they are. It could actually be the case that some models would need one cable type and others would need the other. Otherwise I don’t see why they would change the product number etc., but of course, you never know.
The modification I had to do involved dismounting the display panel on the front of the refrigerator. A screwdriver was needed to remove the covers on each side of the panel, but this I had to do anyway, since I need to change the door hinging. After reading the manual a few times, I succeeded with this without leaving any visible scratches from the front. Next, the display had to be removed. This can be done without any tools, but it requires a lot of force. The cables are long enough so it can be safely pulled out. It was hard to do, especially at the sides, but it worked out:
Next challenge was to connect the cable and get it to work. This is actually very easy, but a simple mistake delayed my project with more than a week, cost me € 80 and a lot of frustrations. Again I was saved by the same Miele employee that called me the week before.The mistake was this:
The connector fits perfectly into this socket. But this is the wrong place, and it took me a week to figure that out. In the meantime I was struggling with error “FF” – the refrigerator will not function when a module is connected to this socket. The display will just blink and switch between displaying “FF” and “–“. In the meantime I ordered the XKS 3130 W module, because it could be compatibility issues with the old XKS 3000 Z module, and also this old module wasn’t supported.
The module should not be connected to the main electronics, but instead on the side of the display panel:
After correcting this mistake, everything started to work. I tried the XKS 3000 Z module first, and it worked:
Note: It might take up to a minute before the Miele@home logo displays. To perform the configuration click the menu button (second rightmost), then click up or down until the symbol is blinking. Now click OK, and “0” is displayed. Click Up so that it changes to “1” and click OK again. Now add the device on the XGW 3000 Z gateway.
Next I tried the XKS 3130 W module for comparison. The configuration is different. In this case you just have to use the Miele@mobile app to add the module to the Wi-Fi network. This worked out pretty easily.
I haven’t been able to spot any differences in terms of functionality between the two modules, so I have decided to mount the refrigerator with the ZigBee module instead of the Wi-Fi one. Since I own the XGW 3000 Z gateway, this way I will not create a dependency to my router/Wi-Fi network, and the ZigBee module will perhaps even help creating a better ZigBee mesh network together with my other ZigBee Miele@home devices. Functionality of both modules – from app and Homebus protocol:
Reading of current temperature.
Reading of target temperature.
Reading of state “door open”.
Starting and stopping super cooling.
Starting refrigerator when off (only through Homebus, Miele’s app doesn’t support this).
That’s it. You do this kind of project because you can, and for no other reason. I’m not letting people get to me by asking why. It’s simply because I can, and because it’s fun. 🙂 Time for wrapping up, having the new cable nicely put into place:
And put top cover back on again:
The new appliance as seen in the Miele@mobile app:
Power consumption
As bonus info, I made some power measurements before integrating the refrigerator. Here are the numbers:
Idle without any module installed: 1.0 W
Idle with XKS 3000 Z installed: 1.5 W
Idle with XKS 3130 W installed: 1.9 W
Twin refrigerator
Fun fact: Miele K 34673 iD seems to be a rebranded version of Liebherr IKBP 2360-20. It would be interesting to try to integrate a Liebherr refrigerator into a Miele@home system. The model number and serial number is identified though, so it might not be possible. Price difference: >300 EUR.
This post will focus on the things you can do with your network-connected Denon/Marantz receiver. I bought my Denon AVR-3808 in 2007, so it’s actually my very first IoT device. Unfortunately my receiver doesn’t support the newer HTTP/XML-based protocol or streaming services, but the old telnet-based AVR protocol still gives a lot of opportunities.
So without further ado, a walk-through of options I know of…
App control
Denon doesn’t support the AVR protocol in their app, so third party apps are the only options for me. If you have a newer receiver you won’t have that problem. I’ve been using AVR-Remote for Denon/Marantz for years. It’s a bit old, but still works.
Control with Yatse
Another use within Android is volume control and more within Yatse. Yatse is a full-featured Kodi remote control app and much more. If you have a Kodi media center and an Android device, you should definately give Yatse a chance. And if you use Yatse and own a Denon/Marantz receiver, you should try the Denon/Marantz plugin. Please note that this is a shameless recommendation, since I’m the developer of this plugin.
Control with Tasker
Into automation and using Tasker? Yet another use within Android. Use Denon/Marantz plugin to automate interaction with your receiver. Yes, this is the same plugin as mentioned in previous chapter. Example usages:
Mute receiver when phone rings.
Use as clockradio: Turn on receiver on radio at 6:00 in the morning.
Turn off the receiver when leaving home.
Well, whatever you can think of.
Staying with automation, integrate your receiver into your home automation when using openHAB. I’m not using this binding myself, since it constantly occupies the only connection available for the AVR, so it would block all other usages. If you have a newer receiver, you won’t have that problem. Instead, I can integrate through the Logitech Harmony binding.
Linux shell script
I wrote this small script years ago and scheduled it to to be run by cron daemon on my server at midnight. Purpose was to save energy in case I’d forgotten to turn off my receiver. It demonstrates how to send a simple command from a shell script, but other than that it’s obsoleted today by openHAB rules or similar.
# Written by Jacob Laursen , 2009-2011.
# This script turns off a Denon receiver if none of the listed
# hosts to be checked are up and running.
# Options:
# --force : Skip host checking, just turn it off.
HOST_CHECK=`echo {"ps3","smarttv"}`
standby ()
sleep 2
echo -n -e "PWSTANDBY\r"
sleep 2
} | telnet >/dev/null 2>&1 $HOST_DENON
if [ "$1" == "--force" ]; then
if [ $? == 0 ]; then
echo "Power turned off"
echo "Already turned off"
for host in ${HOST_CHECK}
ping >/dev/null -c 1 $host
if [ $? == 0 ]; then
if [ $host_up == 0 ]; then
Logitech Media Server/Squeezebox plugin
For controlling volume from my Squeezebox Receiver I’m using DenonSerial v0.1.42 extension by Peter Watkins. I’m not sure where to find it today, as it’s quite old – but still working nicely. An alternative might be DenonAvpControl, but I haven’t tried that.
The purpose of this extension is to set fixed volume to 100% on the Squeezebox Receiver and instead control volume on the Denon receiver. Using this extension should work no matter how you control your Squeezebox Receiver. However, the app (or whatever) must support sending volume commands even for players with fixed volume configured. The Android app Squeeze Ctrl supports this. The ancient, but still excellent, Squeeze Commander does not.
New firmware, this time noticed a bit late, since XGW3000_version.txt is still showing 2.3.0. I guess I should switch to http://GATEWAY/Rest/Update/ and check “AvailableVersion”, or once again reverse engineer how the gateway checks the version. Anyway, here goes…
Release 2.3.4 – 12.09.2018
Improved Miele@mobile behavior in conjunction with ZigBee appliances
Stability improvements and bugfixing
Good news is the this fixes the Miele@mobile app so it doesn’t crash anymore on startup. I guess this reveals that they changed the API between the app and the gateway in app version 2.9.4 and didn’t provide backwards compatibility for the existing gateway API. So the app was constantly crashing until the gateway firmware received an update. Not elegant.
First observation: It seems like phases for my oven (H 5581 BP) isn’t supported anymore. Running self-clean/pyrolysis:
These are my notes for ProgramPhase 3072 and pyrolysis:
case 3072:
// Purpose unknown, seems to be set when the oven is just turned on.
// Catch it here to avoid excessive logging.
return setPhase(PHASE_UNKNOWN);
case 3076:
return setPhase(PHASE_PYROLYSIS);
Also, temperature is now reported as 0°C. Removing functionality for my oven is just sad, since it’s the appliance with least functionality already (for example, ProgramID’s are not supported). Here’s how it looks in Miele’s own app now:
Update/precision: This bug was probably caused by the fact that I upgraded the firmware on the gateway while the oven program was running. Since the phase didn’t change after the gateway rebooted, the gateway probably had some uninitialized values. I guess it should be possible to query the devices after a boot to get updated values, but I don’t know which limitations may exist. So the bug is there, but it’s rare.
New firmware the other day. First it was 2.3.0, then quickly after 2.3.1:
Release 2.3.0 – 01.08.2018
Improved device sign on
Stability improvements and bugfixing
I wonder what’s in 2.3.1, but probably something was broken in 2.3.0, then quickly fixed.
No changes observed so far. Known bugs persist, new ones not discovered yet. That’s not entirely true. I still don’t know if Miele fixed the random change of name of some appliances. In my case it’s always the dishwasher (my only Wi-Fi device), and I have seen it change to “Oven” or “Washing machine”, i.e. names of my other appliances. Update: This bug is still present.
The app
The Miele@mobile app for Android also received an update a few days later (Wednesday, August 8th): version 2.9.4. This app has generally been of great quality, but this time it’s completely broken:
Always crashes on first startup. Never happened before.
Notifications doesn’t work anymore.
The appliance list sorting algorithm is changed from logical to random, e.g. turned off appliances at the top while other appliances are running.
Wrong reporting of power consumption. Reports 1.0 kWh when it should be 0.1 kWh (washing machine).
Oven program is reported as “APP_MISSING_LOCALIZATIONKEY_-1946157056 (H 5581 BP, XKM 3000 Z). The JSON value for ProgramID is weird (e.g. “2348810240”), don’t know if this bug is in the ZigBee module, the oven or the gateway. However, the app didn’t show this before.
When trying to edit product name to default: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
It seems someone was back from vacation and decided it was time to push out a new release because of the new Miele logo. But forgot that it was still untested. Please fix. Rescue: Version 2.6.0
I upgraded last week and today I investigated this firmware version a bit. From the release notes:
Release 2.2.0 – 21.02.2018
Stability improvements and bugfixing
Bugs I have found to be fixed
In the Homebus 1.0 protocol, Wi-Fi devices will no longer return HTTP code 500 (internal error) when in state “Waiting to Start” (numeric value: 4)
Bugs (still) not fixed
The additional name for my dishwasher (“Dishwasher”), keeps changing to “Washing machine” from time to time.
The ElapsedTime value for my Wi-Fi dishwasher is always:
New bug found: After a power outage today, my washing machine showed up as “mac-001d65feff02237b” (obscured a bit due to general paranoia) instead of its UID. I was still able to access it through http://GATEWAY/Rest/Devices/mac-001d65feff02237b/Ident, though. After another reboot, it was back to normal.
I wanted to be able to control a specific lamp with my Logitech Harmony remote, so I did bit of research. I wanted to join the Philips Hue ecosystem, but haven’t been able to find the bulbs I need so far. For this specific lamp I needed an E27 bulb with 1,000 lumen and preferable a CRI higher than 90. Otherwise I would compromise the quality of the light just for playing around. If I was to going to play, I should at least be able to maintain what I already had.
I found out Philips Hue as well as IKEA Trådfri actually implements the same standard: Zigbee Light Link (ZLL), and should be able to work together. Well, at least since recently. From what I learned, IKEA seriously fucked up in their first versions which supported only Zigbee Home Automation (ZHA) instead of ZLL. And at the other end, Philips removed support for ZLL to ZHA fallback. So, now I needed a pretty recent bulb, or a firmware update of the bulb with an IKEA Trådfri gateway I wasn’t planning on buying.
Adding the bulb
I followed this guide to pair the IKEA bulb with the Hue bridge. My bulb was from batch 1746 (printed on the box close to the barcode) and is firmware version 1.2.214 which is good enough (should be at least 1.2.x). I had to retry the pairing process a few times, probably because I didn’t turn the bulb on/off fast enough (six times) when trying to reset it. But finally it showed up in the Hue app, and I was able to turn it on/off as well as dim it. Excellent!
Philips Hue Bridge 2.1
The bridge was super easy to configure and just works. I haven’t played with API’s etc. yet, but can enjoy the big Philips Hue ecosystem and endless integration possibilities. I see absolutely no reason to start building a system based on the relatively new IKEA gateway when you only need the slightly more expensive Hue bridge to use everything developed for the Hue system.
First thing after being able to control the bulb with the Hue app and the Dimmer switch was to set up my Harmony remote. This turned out to be difficult because of bugs in the Logitech Harmony software. I already had Hue set up for a Hue emulator running on openHAB, so I removed this. After doing so, the Harmony app kept detecting the Hue bridge without being able to pair with it, even when disconnecting both openHAB and the Hue bridge from the network. The trick/work-around was to search for a Hunter Douglas PowerView Hub. Cancel the search, then try again to search for the Hue bridge. After this I was able to pair with it. The same problem occurred after changing IP address of the Hue bridge. Having two bridges is not supported and you can’t even configure the right one if you actually have two – so one of them must go offline before configuring Harmony. Great work, Logitech.
Anyway, after setting it up, it was very easy to configure the “Watch TV” activity to dim the bulb down using the pre-configured Nightlight scene. However, this immediately turned out to be a problem: If the bulb is already off when turning on the TV, it should stay off. It seems that even simple rules like this requires more sophisticated methods.
In openHAB 2.2 it was very easy to get the Philips Hue binding working, and the first project was already defined: Dim the bulb to 30% when turning on the TV and the current dim value is higher than 30%. First thought was to use the Hue emulator in Hue, so the Harmony would control this and then build the logic in openHAB from there. However, I decided to simplify this while at the same time decoupling the logic from the Harmony remote and make it generic. By using the Samsung binding for my TV (alternatively a network binding would suffice), I could create an item-based rule like this:
rule "TV"
Item TV_is_on changed from OFF to ON
if (DimmableLight1_Brightness.state > 30)
Power consumption
Philips Hue Bridge 2.1: 1.7 W
IKEA Trådfri E27 1000 lumen LED bulb: 13.0 W (on)
IKEA Trådfri E27 1000 lumen LED bulb: 0.3 W (off)
Philips is planning on supporting Zigbee 3.0 in the bridges in first quarter of 2018. This will be backwards compatible with ZLL, so IKEA bulbs should continue to work, since they now got the ZLL implementation right with the latest firmware.
I finally couldn’t resist getting my hands on a WeMo Insight Switch anymore. It’s a kind of expensive gadget, considering how clumsy it is and that all it can do is turn one thing on or off. Also, I read in some specifications that it was consuming a considerable amount of energy itself. However, I’m the unlucky owner of a Thomson modem from the Danish ISP Stofa, and this thing consumes about 12.4 W, so I’ve been wanting to do something about that for a while, since I’m only using it for my backup internet connection (WAN 2) and for IP telephony.
Just kidding. After connecting the switch you have to install the 33 MB app from Belkin to get it up running. After this I searched the net for API’s and alternate ways to control it. Half an hour later I had a working curl command to turn it on or off, as well as a working Tasker configuration using RESTask for Tasker, which I just found for the job (since Tasker doesn’t seem to support setting custom headers in HTTP POST requests).
The hardware
Before jumping to my first project/solution, a few words on the hardware:
Power consumption: When the relay is off, it consumes approx. 1.5 W. When on, approx. 1.7 W.
Socket: The socket is a Schuko socket, which is problematic for the Danish market, since you cannot plug in the traditional Danish flat and round connectors – they physically don’t fit in.
Controlling WeMo from Tomato
Since my Tomato router firmware (by Shibby) comes with curl preinstalled, controlling WeMo from the router is not a problem. What I wanted to do was having my router turn on the modem for WAN 2 when WAN 1 is down. I decided to ping the DNS server to check if I’m connected to the internet, and to do this once a minute. So in Administration/Scheduler I added this custom script to run every minute:
# Turn on WeMo when WAN is down, hoping for WAN2...
if ! ping >/dev/null -c 1; then
curl -d '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" s:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"><s:Body><u:SetBinaryState xmlns:u="urn:Belkin:service:basicevent:1"><BinaryState>1</BinaryState></u:SetBinaryState></s:Body></s:Envelope>' -H 'SOAPACTION: "urn:Belkin:service:basicevent:1#SetBinaryState"' -H 'Content-Type: text/xml; charset="utf-8"' -X POST http://wemo.local:49153/upnp/control/basicevent1
After switching over to WAN 2, DNS will still be unavailable for a while – and yes, this method will try to turn on the WeMo over and over again. However, this shouldn’t really cause any problems if it’s already turned on. On the other hand, it might actually save the day, if the first packet is lost (WeMo is on Wi-Fi).
Next project
Next project will be to set up openHAB on a Raspberry Pi (for starters) and try to teach it when at least one person is at home. Then I can have back my IP telephony (requiring the modem on) when arriving at home and until going to bed.
None of the bugs mentioned in my previous post about 2.0.9 is fixed in this release. No new features discovered. See release notes:
Release 2.1.0 – 26.10.2017
Support for SMA Sunny Homemanager 1.x adapted
Improvement of the Miele@mobile remote access connection
Datasynchronisation improvements
Stability improvements and bugfixing
Oh, and yes, they changed the versioning and renamed previously released versions. So when I’m now referring to 2.0.9, which I called 2.09 in my previous post, it isn’t by mistake.